Where can I visit you?
My home city is Chicago, and you can usually find me here unless I've announced any tours. I'm available to travel to you locally or reserve a private, upscale space just for us.
Do you tour other cities? Will you visit my city?
I do! You can keep track of all of my latest tour updates and announcements by following me on twitter (@nora_volta). It's the best way to keep up with me!
Are you seeing me on tour? I'm available to host at my private location or travel to you at either your upscale hotel or residence.
How can I arrange a private visit / FMTY?
If you're in the Midwest outside of IL, I can visit you by train for a minimum of four hours.
Many of my non-local clients opt to see me privately. If you're located in the US outside of the Midwest, I'm available year round for fly-me-to-you dates at a minimum of 6 hours. If you are located internationally, there is a 24 hour minimum.
Plane tickets are not included and should be factored into your planning. I will be happy to give a quote on expenses, which must include plane tickets and airport transportation.

I’m new to this or don’t do this often. Will you still see me?
Of course! Don't worry if this is all new to you. I'm very patient, intuitive and non-judgmental. I don’t like to rush a connection or go through the motions with anyone and want us both to feel relaxed and enjoy our time in our own unique way. Don't be afraid to let me know how I can help curate the experience and make it a special occasion.
Are you comfortable seeing non-traditional clients?
I love spending time with clients of all sizes, genders, ethnicities and abilities. Please don’t discourage yourself from reaching out to me. We'll have a good time!
Are you reference friendly?
Definitely! If we've seen each other within the past 6 months I'll be glad to vouch for you. Polite reference etiquette means only using me a few times before letting your most recently visited provider vouch for you.
Do you see couples?
I always enjoy seeing couples. Make sure to send both of your screening info along with an introduction email from both parties are required so that everyone is on the same page. I prefer a two hour minimum and please add 500 to the fee.
Can you bring a friend along?
Lucky for you, I'm networked with a lot of local and touring industry providers. I can always offer a recommendation or find someone who is a great match for us. Typically, I will prefer this sort of appointment after meeting someone privately first as I like to be sure everyone is compatible with one exception: we have a mutual friend we both adore!
Will you help me plan our date?
I would love to! I'd be happy to provide my own recommendations on the best restaurants, museums, sights, current events, concerts, and festivals to my local and visiting clients, inclusive to the rate of my fee.